Campeche, Mexico. Independence Plaza in the Old Town of San Francisco de Campeche.
Our capabilities

Fixed income

Ashmore’s fixed income team is comprised of 33 investment professionals focused on the full range of emerging market debt opportunities in the hard currency and local currency markets.

Ashmore’s fixed income team is comprised of 33 investment professionals focused on the full range of emerging market debt opportunities in the hard currency and local currency markets. Members of the team have been engaged in fixed income investing since the early days of the markets in the late 1980s/early 1990s. The team manages a wide range of portfolios that include specific subsets of the market or blended strategies that provide exposure to multiple subsets in the sovereign and corporate debt markets.

Hungarian parliament
Our investment approach

The fixed income investment process

The Investment Committee collectively manages all portfolios and meets formally on a weekly basis to review markets, determine our investment strategy, and manage portfolios. In addition, interim meetings may be held depending on market conditions.

Our fixed income themes

Please note that some of these investment themes may not be available through mutual funds in your country.

External Debt

Emerging Markets External Debt consists primarily of dollar-denominated sovereign (government) and quasi-sovereign (government-sponsored) bonds.

Local Currency

Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt consists of sovereign (government), quasi-sovereign and occasionally regional government bonds issued in the domestic currency of the issuer.

Corporate Debt

Emerging Markets Corporate Debt includes dollar-denominated bonds issued by public and private sector corporations in more than 60 countries.

Blended Debt

For investors looking for a broad exposure the Emerging Markets Debt universe, Blended Debt offers a combination of USD-denominated External Debt and Corporate Debt along with Local Currency Debt and FX.