External Debt

Ashmore SICAV EM Debt Fund

Fund share class
USD 54.95
As at 23 Oct 2024
Dealing frequency
Fund size
USD 356,429,058
As at 30 Sep 2024
Share class
Share class currency
Share class: USD Retail
Ashmore SICAV Emerging Markets Debt Fund (SICAV EMDF)
Fund objective and strategy
SICAV EMDF is an actively managed open-ended, daily dealing, UCITS V-compliant, Luxembourg registered fund. It offers investors access to a highly diversified portfolio of mainly USD denominated Emerging Markets sovereign and quasi-sovereign debt securities but may also include local currency and corporate debt. While the Fund references the benchmark for performance comparison, it can differ from the benchmark’s composition and also hold assets which are not part of the benchmark.
Rolling 12 month performance
Net returns % To September 2023 To September 2022 To September 2021 To September 2020 To September 2019
Fund 11.49 -36.48 3.67 -6.23 8.45
Benchmark 10.01 -24.28 4.36 1.29 11.57
Excess 1.47 -12.20 -0.68 -7.52 -3.12
Prior to 1st January 2011 (when the current fee structure came into effect), the historical performance and statistics represent simulated returns and assume that the current fee structure was applicable since performance inception date. The figures for these periods are for illustrative purposes only and do not represent the actual returns achieved since inception. Simulated past performance is based on the actual past performance of one or more investments which are the same as, or underlie, the investment concerned.
Top EM currency exposure % Fund Benchmark
Brazilian Real 1.0 -  
Turkish Lira 1.0 -  
South Korean Won 0.5 -  
Polish Zloty 0.5 -  
Indian Rupee 0.5 -  
Hong Kong Dollar 0.0 -  
Colombian Peso 0.0 -  
Total number of currencies 7 0
Fund statistics Fund Benchmark Description
Yield to maturity 6.70% 8.28% Average anticipated rate of return for the Fund’s positions if held to maturity. *2
Modified duration 7.55    6.86    Weighted average of the Fund’s sensitivity (in years) to a 1% change in interest rates.
Average life 14.12    11.50    Average time to maturity for the Fund’s securities (expressed in years).
Distribution yield 4.20% -       Indicative yield calculated using distributions over prior 12 months and latest NAV per share.
Ongoing Charges Figure (OCF) 1.73% -       Total costs of running the Fund divided by total Fund assets.
Breakdown by modified duration % Fund Benchmark
0 - 3 years 19.1 22.2
3 - 5 years 8.9 19.9
5 - 7 years 14.5 18.0
7 - 10 years 20.5 14.4
10+ years 33.0 25.7
Top 10 country exposure % Fund Benchmark
Venezuela 7.1 0.5
Mexico 6.9 4.9
Turkiye 5.3 4.3
Indonesia 5.1 4.6
Brazil 4.2 3.1
Oman 3.7 3.0
Dominican Republic 3.6 2.9
Saudi Arabia 3.6 4.9
Peru 3.4 2.6
Chile 3.4 3.2
Total number of countries 51 72
Credit rating % Fund Benchmark
AAA 0.0 0.0
AA 3.1 6.5
A 11.2 16.0
BBB 28.4 27.0
BB 21.8 23.6
B 17.2 16.5
12.9 9.6
Not rated 5.5 0.7
Average credit rating BB BB
Investment grade 42.7 49.5
Non-investment grade 51.8 49.8
Performance and exposure disclaimers

1. Past performance (actual or simulated) is not a reliable indicator of future results. Periods greater than one year are annualised, dividends reinvested, index gross. The value of an investment in the Fund may fall as well as rise and investors may not get back the amount originally invested. Changes in rates of exchange between currencies may cause the value of investments to decrease or increase. 2. All performance statistics shown over rolling 3 years (or 1 year where 3 years of data is not yet available). Sharpe ratio assumes the US 3-month T-Bill risk free rate. 3. Duration and Yield statistics include all positions with a verified duration and yield figure, subject to the exclusion of defaulted positions. Bond securities with less than 1 year to maturity show yield to maturity on a non-annualised basis. 4. Theme values have been rebased to 100% based on the theme type of the underlying fund instruments. 5. Currency and country exposures may be reduced by active FX hedging (if applicable). 6. Credit ratings are based on issuers with a rating, figures provided are based on the middle of the three rating agencies S&P, Moody's and Fitch. If only two of the ratings are available then the lower rating of the two will be used. Percentages gross to 100%, where applicable. 7. Top 10 holdings do not include derivatives apart from total return swaps and p-notes. 8. For investments in Ashmore managed funds (where applicable), allocation and holdings information is shown on a "look through" basis, whereas attribution information is not shown on a look through basis. 9. Hedged benchmarks are used where applicable. 10. Attribution is reported Gross and shown in USD terms unless otherwise stated. 11. Ongoing Charges Figure (OCF) as at 30.06.2024. 12. A dash (-) represents zero holding. 0.0 and 0.00 represents a fractional holding. 13. Ashmore's Fund yield to maturity (YTM) (for hedged classes this is in USD) the calculation methodology differs from the calculation methodology used for the index. Ashmore's fund YTM assumes zero yield for defaulted securities, whereas JP Morgan uses a yield for defaulted securities, which inflates the index yield to maturity. Additionally, please note that Ashmore's reported YTM for fund and index are calculated on a 'weighted average security yield' basis per market convention, whereas the JP Morgan Index Monitor calculates YTM using the IRR of the underlying index security cashflows. Sources are Ashmore, data provider or administrator where appropriate.

Risk Warning: Investors should consider certain risk factors peculiar to investing in Emerging Markets, before taking any investment decision. Emerging Markets (EM) carry risks as well as rewards. These require consideration of matters not usually associated with investing in securities of issuers or financial derivative instruments linked to securities of issuers in the Developed Markets. The economic and political conditions differ from those in Developed Markets, and may offer less social, political and economic stability. EM may be more volatile than more mature markets. The value of your investment could go down as well as up. In extreme circumstances, this could result in a total loss of your investment. EM may suffer from liquidity problems; changes in rates of exchange between currencies may cause the value of your investment to decrease or increase; operational risks of investing are higher than in more developed markets. For a full description of these and further risks, you should refer to the latest Prospectus.
Important Marketing Information
  1. This is a marketing communication. You should obtain appropriate independent professional advice and a copy of the current KI(I)Ds and Prospectus prior to making a decision to invest.
  2. Ashmore SICAV (société d’investissement à capital variable) is regulated by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier in Luxembourg. Ashmore Investment Management (Ireland) Limited (the “Management Company”), 32 Molesworth Street, Dublin 2 which is authorised and regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland is the Management Company and Principal Sales Agent.
  3. Ashmore SICAV is an investment fund which is allowed for sale only to eligible investors of the jurisdictions in which a duly obtained marketing passport is obtained pursuant to Directive 2009/65/EC, as amended and/or relevant marketing authorisations granted by local regulators are obtained. Subscriptions will only be received and shares issued based on the current Key Investor Information Document ("KIID") or PRIIPs Key Information Document (‘’KID'’) and Prospectus. In case you are in any doubt as to you are provided access to the Fund, please contact your intermediary or the Management Company.
  4. This document does not constitute and may not be relied upon as constituting investment advice or a solicitation to invest.
  5. Copies of the material contracts are available for inspection, and copies of the Articles of Incorporation of the Fund, the current Prospectus, the KI(I)Ds, in the accepted language of the countries where the Fund is registered, the Country Supplement, the Privacy Notice, the latest periodical reports, the Available Share Classes Document, as well as the Fund’s policies for the exercise of the voting rights, may be obtained in English, free of charge during normal office hours at the registered office of Ashmore SICAV or from its local agents, as required by applicable laws and may also be obtained on ashmoregroup.com/en-europe/our-funds or www.fundsquare.net/homepage. The investor complaints handling policy of the Fund, is available in English here.
  6. Ashmore SICAV shares are not registered under the US Securities Act of 1933 (“1933 Act”) nor is the Fund registered as an investment company under the US Investment Company Act of 1940 (“1940 Act”). Offers/sales of fund shares will be made in the US only by private placement, to persons qualifying as “accredited investors” as defined under the 1933 Act and as “qualified purchasers” as defined under the 1940 Act. To the extent permitted by applicable laws and regulations, Ashmore may provide investors in the Fund with additional portfolio information not routinely available to other investors in the Fund. Ashmore will determine the additional information to be provided. Investors wishing to receive such information should make a request to Ashmore and may be subject to additional confidentiality requirements.
  7. The Management Company is responsible for the distribution of shares in the Fund and may appoint sub-distributors in accordance with local laws and regulations, including Ashmore Investment Management Limited, 61 Aldwych, London, WC2B 4AE authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the UK, where the Fund is marketed in the UK under the FCA’s temporary marketing permissions regime. More information regarding this regime may be found on the FCA website and Ashmore Investment Management (US) Corporation, a registered broker-dealer and member of FINRA and SIPC.
  8. The Swiss Representative and Paying agent is BNP Paribas Securities Services, Paris, succursale de Zurich, Selnaustrasse 16, 8002 Zurich. Prospectus, the KIDs, the Articles and the Reports are available on request free of charge at the office of the representative. This document may not be reproduced or distributed in any manner in whole or in part without prior written permission of Ashmore SICAV. In respect of the fund offered in Switzerland, the place of performance and jurisdiction is the registered office of the representative in Switzerland.
  9. The Fund is registered with CNMV identification CIS number 242080 with the Spanish regulator (CNMV).
  10. The information contained in this marketing document has been compiled in good faith, but no representation or warranty, express or implied, is made as to its accuracy, completeness or correctness. Save to the extent (if any) that exclusion of liability is prohibited by an applicable law or regulation, Ashmore, its officers, employees, representatives and agents expressly advise that they shall not be liable in any respect for any loss or damage, direct, indirect, consequential or otherwise, however arising (through negligence or otherwise) out of or in connection with any content /omissions from this document.
  11. Ashmore Investment Management (Ireland) Limited acting as Management Company and Principal Sales Agent may decide to terminate the arrangements made for the marketing of this fund in accordance with Article 93a of Directive 2009/65/EC with regard to cross-border distribution of collective investment undertakings.
  12. The summary of investors’ rights for the purposes of the European Union Cross Border Distribution Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2019/1156), which are your key rights as an investor in the investment fund, are available in English here. For redress mechanism please contact the Management Company at the address above provided or at dp-ireland@ashmoregroup.com.
Fund launch date
Bloomberg ticker
Dividend frequency
Income type
Share class launch date
Currency hedged
Financial year end
Fund base currency USD
Fund code
Launch price 100.00
Minimum investment 5,000
Minimum additional investment 500
Annual management charge %

Northern Trust Global Services SE
T: +352 27 62 22 279
F: +352 27 62 22 333
Email: Ashmore-TA-Luxembourg@ntrs.com


KPMG Audit
31, Allée Scheffer
L-2520 Luxembourg


Northern Trust Global Services SE, is a credit institution authorised in Luxembourg.
Address: 10 rue du Château d’Eau, L-3364 Leudelange, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.


Northern Trust Global Services SE

Fund Share Class Documents
Click any of the documents below to view and download
Retail Factsheet (USD) (EN)
Fund Documents
Click any of the documents below to view and download
Portfolio Holdings
SFDR - SICAV DF - Article 10 Disclosure
Notice for UK investors - Ashmore SICAV Emerging Markets Debt Fund
SICAV Documents
Click any of the documents below to view and download
Supplementary Information Document (SID)
SICAV Application Form (Active Fields)
SICAV Subscription and Redemption Form (Active Fields)
Additional Important Information for: German Investors
Additional Important Information for: Canadian Investors
Additional Important Information for: Japanese Investors
Additional Important Information for: US Investors
Semi Annual Report - 30 June 2024
Annual Report & Accounts - 31 December 2023
Semi Annual Report - 30 June 2023
Annual Report & Accounts - 31 December 2022
Semi Annual Report - 30 June 2022
Annual Report & Accounts - 31 December 2021
Semi Annual Report - 30 June 2021
Annual Report & Accounts - 31 December 2020
Semi Annual Report - 30 June 2020
Annual German Tax Investor Report - FY 2022 (DE)
Annual German Tax Investor Report - FY 2022 (EN)
Annual German Tax Investor Report - FY 2021 (DE)
Annual German Tax Investor Report - FY 2021 (EN)
Annual German Tax Investor Report - FY 2020 (DE)
Annual German Tax Investor Report - FY 2020 (EN)
Article 5 - Remuneration Statement
Proxy voting policy
Privacy Notice
SICAV Facility Agents
All Key Investor Information Documents (KIID)
Ashmore SICAV Prospectus - June 2024
Articles of Incorporation (15 Sep 2021)
Ashmore SICAV Complaints Handling Procedure
All Packaged retail and insurance-based investment products (PRIIPs) KIDs

UK reportable income

To obtain UK reportable income details for this fund, please go to https://www.kpmgreportingfunds.co.uk/


To the extent permitted by applicable laws and regulations, Ashmore may provide investors holding security interests in the Fund with additional historical portfolio information which is not routinely available to other investors in such funds.  Ashmore will determine the level of additional information that may be provided.  Investors who want to receive such information should make a request to Ashmore and they may be subject to additional confidentiality requirements.