Our capabilities
Our investment themes
Ashmore is a specialist Emerging Markets investment manager with over twenty years’ experience in these markets. Ashmore focuses on a number of investment themes.
This section is for information only and some of these investment themes may not be available through mutual funds in your country.
Our fixed income themes
Ashmore’s fixed income team is comprised of 33 investment professionals focused on the full range of emerging market debt opportunities in the hard currency and local currency markets.

External Debt
Emerging Markets External Debt consists primarily of dollar-denominated sovereign (government) and quasi-sovereign (government-sponsored) bonds.

Local Currency
Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt consists of sovereign (government), quasi-sovereign and occasionally regional government bonds issued in the domestic currency of the issuer.

Corporate Debt
Emerging Markets Corporate Debt includes dollar-denominated bonds issued by public and private sector corporations in more than 60 countries.

Blended Debt
For investors looking for a broad exposure the Emerging Markets Debt universe, Blended Debt offers a combination of USD-denominated External Debt and Corporate Debt along with Local Currency Debt and FX.
Our equities themes
Ashmore’s equity team is comprised of 42 investment professionals focused on a broad range of emerging market equity opportunities across global emerging markets, regions and single countries.

EM Active
Top down driven stock portfolio targeting high alpha across market environments.

EM All Cap
EM portfolio of best in class companies employing a systematic process to target high alpha.

EM Frontier
A ‘portfolio of everything you do not already own’ providing diversification and return advantages.
The Alternatives theme seeks to provide investors with attractive returns across various investment strategies.

The alternatives theme seeks to provide investors with attractive returns across various investment strategies.