All Cap

Ashmore Dana Ekuitas Nusantara

فئة أسهم الصندوق
IDR 1321.53
As at 26 أبريل 2024
عدد مرّات التداول
حجم الصندوق
IDR 2,729,403,103,439
As at 28 مارس 2024
فئة الأسهم
عملة فئة الأسهم
تاريخ إطلاق الصندوق
رمز بلومبيرج
كود الترقيم الدولي
نوع الدخل
تاريخ إطلاق فئة الأسهم
تحوّط العملات
نهاية السنة المالية
العملة الرئيسية للصندوق IDR
رمز الصندوق
الحد الأدنى للاستثمار 200,000
الحد الأدنى للاستثمارات الإضافية 100,000
نسبة الرسوم الإدارية السنوية
Fund Share Class Documents
Click any of the documents below to view and download
Factsheet (IDR) (EN)
Factsheet (IDR) (ID)
Fund Documents
Click any of the documents below to view and download
Propectus (EN)
Propektus (ID)

Important Information: This document is published by PT Ashmore Asset Management Indonesia Tbk, regulated by the Financial Services Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan or “OJK”). This document is made in good faith by PT Ashmore Asset Management Indonesia Tbk with the intention to provide information and not as an invitation, recommendation or offer to invest or subscribe into Participation Units of the Mutual Fund. Past performance is not a guarantee, indication or estimate for future performance of the Investment Fund. Any losses arising from the investment is not the responsibility of PT Ashmore Asset Management Indonesia Tbk. Prospective investors who consider subscribing Participation Unit of the Mutual Fund are encouraged to read the latest Prospectus and to obtain professional advice and expertise in legal, finance, tax and other professionals prior to deciding the investment because the material in this document is not intended to provide adequate information on investment. Information and opinions in this document are obtained from our sources; however PT Ashmore Asset Management Indonesia Tbk does not guarantee its accuracy and integrity. Estimation of results, achievements may differ materially with actual results.